Hello Lovelies,
My name is Jenny Beth Kroplin RDN, LDN and I am so glad you are here, if I could give you a big hug I would because girl I’m a hugger!
As a Registered Dietitian and Lifestyle Wellness Expert, In Her Haven is here to empower women to design, balance, and optimize a healthy lifestyle that supports you!

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DOWNLOAD THE Gut Refresh Guide
The Gut Refresh Guide is a 3 day gut & glow refresh curated by your personal Registered Dietitian, me, where I help you jumpstart your gut microbiome and body into a healthier, happier haven!
Super charge your gut! This challenge is scientifically-supported based on one of the largest international gut health studies. The goal is to consume 30 different plant-based foods a week to diversify good gut microbes and support overall healthy gut function. Challenge yourself to track how many different plant-based foods you can nourish your body with in one week!
You Got this sis!
What Plants Count:
*Vegetables & Fruits
*Nuts & Seeds
*Whole Grains
*Herbs & Spices
*Legumes & Pulses (Beans & Peas)
Free download